

Primac Gurus 2022 Reunion Report

Primac Gurus second annual reunion was held recently on the 29th of October 2022. After much consideration by the planning committee, it was, once again, decided to hold the reunion at the City Golf Club in Toowoomba. The venue is regarded as central to South East Queensland, and easily accessible by a large majority of Primac Gurus. It was also deemed, however, that if future interest extends to more northern parts of the state, the committee would be pleased to host further functions in other locations. Approximately 50 delegates attended the gathering, a little down on numbers from the previous year but it was pleasing to see many new faces on the day.

Primac Gurus Group Photo – Courtesy of Helen Walker: Rear Row L to R: David Milford, Ken Telford, Mike Blume, Jerry O’Sullivan, Barry Dixon, Scott Lusby, Ross Ruhle, Ian Lovegrove, Geoff Birch, Bill Smith, John O’Reilly, Marg Barton, Vic Perkins, Carol Jarick, Dennis Cotter, Jim Gibbs, Peter Hayes, Margie Neill, Brian Peake, Andrew Lewis. Front Row L to R: Noel Grant, Trevor Francis, Helen Walker, Greg Jacobsen, Bill Edwards, Gary Mason, Chris Todd, Richard Handley, Robin Hart, Leo Moloney, Robert Brown, Ashley Loveday, Glen Cameron, Keith McRobert, Malcolm Kinman, Terry Lanskey, Gavin Colwell, Josh Lockwood, Warren Hohnke.

First Primac Gurus Association Inc AGM held on the day:

Prior to the commencement of the day’s proceedings, financial members of the Primac Gurus Association Inc, met at 10.00am for the inaugural Annual General Meeting. A total of thirteen members, along with the Associations patron Robin Hart, met, primarily to elect a new committee for the forth coming year, and to present financial statements to members.

Results of the election of office bearers were: President: Richard Handley

Secretary: Gary Mason

Treasurer: Carol Jarick

Vice President: Barry Dixon

Committee: Margaret Barton, Helen Walker, Andrew Lewis, Greg Jacobsen, Warren Hohnke, Steve Gaff,

Robin Hart, gladly accepted the committee’s invitation to continue in his role as Patron.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Primac Gurus Association Inc

Saturday 29th October 2022   10.00am

Venue: City Golf Club Toowoomba

Meeting opened at 10.14am by President Richard Handley, who thanked all those present for their attendance.

Attendence:   Richard Handley, Warren Hohnke, Barry Dixon, Carol Jarick, Margaret Barton, Greg Jacobsen, Andrew Lewis, Helen Walker, Gary Mason, Brian Peake, Terry Lanskey, Scott Ludsby, Dennis Cotter, Robin Hart (Patron)

Apologies:      Steve Gaff, Ross Keane, Andrew Scott, Richard Street, Neville Holden, Jock McPherson, Mark Peters, Cyril Close, Steve Goodhew, Steve Truman.

Presidents Report: Richard Handley presented his Annual Report (copy attached) Richard moved his report be accepted, seconded by Warren Hohnke. Carried. Patron Robin Hart asked if report is to be circulated to members. Greg Jacobsen advised that it will be circulated to members and be included in Reunion report.

Treasurers Report: Treasurer, Carol Jarick moved that the annual financial statement be accepted, and confirmed that it be a true and accurate record of the Association’s financial activities for previous 12 months. Balance at 30th June 2022 is $8,890.08. Motion was seconded by Helen Walker. Carried.

Richard reported to the meeting that our Association is a Class 3 level with the OFT. As assets remain under $20k, no audit is required, simply a statement signed by Treasurer and President be lodged with OFT.

AGM: President Richard Handley declared all positions are now vacant, and handed the meeting over to our Patron Robin Hart.

Robin Hart acknowledged the good work Primac Gurus are doing preserving the rich, history of a great company, Primac.

Robin Hart called for nominations for President. Richard Handley was re-elected unopposed for the position of President. The meeting at this point was handed back to Richard for the further election of office bearers.

Results of the election of office bearers are:

President: Richard Handley. Proposed Greg Jacobsen seconded Carol Jarick. Unopposed

Secretary: Gary Mason. Proposed Greg Jacobsen, seconded Richard Handley. Unopposed

Treasurer: Carol Jarick: Proposed Greg Jacobsen, seconded Richard Handley. Unopposed

Committee: Marg Barton, Warren Hohnke, Andrew Lewis, Helen Walker, Greg Jacobsen, Barry Dixon, Steve Gaff. All elected unopposed.

Dennis Cotter asked if position of Patron is to be filled every 12 months. Confirmed that this is the case by Richard Handley, and it is an agenda item. He then noted that our current Patron, Robin Hart, had accepted an invitation by the committee to continue in that role for the forthcoming year.

Richard confirmed that previous secretary, Greg Jacobsen did not stand for re-election, and expressed his thanks for Greg’s efforts over the previous 12 months.

Schedule of Fees: The schedule of fees was raised. Richard Handley outlined the previous fees of $30.00 membership plus initial $30.00 joining fee. He outlined the benefits of being a financial member. Dennis Cotter asked how many current members we have. Gary Mason thought a challenge for each financial member to recruit another to increase our membership. After discussion, Barry Dixon moved to keep fees for forthcoming year to be remain the same. Seconded by Marg Barton. Carried.

 General Business: Richard Handley wished to vary the agenda of AGM to allow for general business, as it is the first opportunity for attending financial members to raise any points.

Robin Hart spoke, that he would be keen to investigate the idea of a Primac Guru lapel badge. He showed an example of an old Primac badge. He had some preliminary quotes from A.J. Parkes (supplier) at an approximated price of $5.50. At that price, he expressed his desire to be able to provide a badge to each member. The meeting thought this was an excellent idea and agreed it should be discussed at subsequent committee meetings.

Greg Jacobsen said that an Annual return needs to be lodged with OFT, and some personal information needs to be included for the new committee, including Date of Birth and Place of Birth.

Dennis Cotter asked if a reunion every 12 months is too much, perhaps every two years. This topic has been discussed at committee level regularly, and all options are on the table, including smaller reunions in the north. Dennis mentioned he is visiting the north shortly, and will do a recruiting drive whilst there.

Marg Barton and Carol Jarick presented the sympathy cards to the meeting, to show what they look like. The meeting agreed they are great.

With no further business, Richard Handley thanked all members for their attendance, and thanks to those involved in the organisation of today’s reunion.

Meeting Closed at 10.56am

Gary Mason (Secretary)                                                         Richard Handley (President)

Presidents Report 29th October 2022

President Richard Handley was endorsed for a second term at the AGM, here is a copy of his report to the meeting.

If – if only this association had been born 20 years earlier. There would be so much more information, so many more photos and so much more history recorded.

However, to get where this association sits today certainly is no mean feat. From a very humble Facebook posting on 30th October 2020, we have continued this amazing adventure to get to where we find ourselves today.

Good morning everyone and welcome to this our first annual general meeting. It is with much pleasure I present to you my report on the activities of Primac Gurus Association Inc. since inception.

To get to where this Association is now is no doubt due to the great efforts of Steve Truman and his company a3rev Software. Steve generously donated his time and expertise, not only to fine tune the Gurus Facebook page but also thankfully to develop a Primac Gurus website. Steve was passionate about recording the history and events of not only the individuals but also branch and Head Office history. Without the initial drive and enthusiasm of Steve, there is no doubt that would not exist today. Thank you, Steve and the staff in your office; all of this initially done freely.

With so much history already recorded there became a glaring need to transfer this web site to a relevant independent group of ex staff to protect the longevity of this website. A group of staff then became involved in forming a committee, developing a constitution and eventually registering Primac Gurus Association Inc. which took over the ownership from Steve’s company.

I wish to thank Secretary Greg Jacobsen and Treasurer Carol Jarrick for their huge effort with this registration process. None of this was easy because all meetings were conducted over Zoom for the first 12 months of operation with no face-to-face discussions.

Other committee members included two of the founders of the Gurus idea, Warren Hohnke and Steve Gaff, Vice President Barry Dixon, Andrew Lewis, Margie Barton and later Helen Walker. Every one of the committee played a constructive part and personally I am eternally grateful for your induvial and collective contribution.

There are several reasons why I consider Primac Gurus such an important entity. Firstly, it is a format that can be used to put friends and workmates back in touch with one another after time and transfers have split us up. As we age, it could also be an expansion of “are you OK Mate?” it’s just so great to have a chat.

Next, there is so much history of these great companies to be recorded. These three companies, Primaries, Mactaggarts and Primac were so highly regarded  in the business world. A lot of this due entirely to the efforts to an individual in a branch or maybe to a Department in Head Office. These Personalities and efforts need to be remembered.

Then there is the friendship and fellowship. This was obvious at our first major reunion last year. What an amazing event – what an amazing effort by the three ladies, Margie Carol and Helen. Thank you all so much for your tireless work. This event not only bought 80 friends together but also generated some funds for our plans for the future.

We do have regular running costs including web hosting and maintenance, bank fees, auditor fees in the future are just a few. We have held successful discussions with the Miles Historical Village about extending our display of memorabilia there and are currently working on a digital display as well as photos, books etc.

Yes, we do have over 450 friends on our Facebook page, but we desperately need more financial members of Primac Gurus. After the initial $30.00 joining fee it only costs $30.00 a year to be a member. You may ask, but what do I get by becoming a member? Our aim is to keep this Association going for as long as we can. Your $30.00 will help! I know there are some people out there who are a bit “non forgiving” but please reconsider and help us, and remember the good times. All members also get a monthly newsletter on association activities.

I sincerely thank those who have recognised our efforts since inception and have seen the way to become financial members,

In closing I thank our Patron Robin Hart, AM. for his support and involvement, particularly with the sponsorship given by Stockyard Beef. The Hart family have had a long association with our industry, and it is certainly great to have a family member still involved. Thank you, Robin,

In closing, it’s indeed been an honour for me to present this initial report as the Foundation President of this great Association.

Thank you, members”.

Thinking of becoming a member?

Following on from our Presidents plea for more members for our Association, it can easily be completed via our website, by contacting any of the Committee members, or clicking on the Membership link at the top of the Primac Gurus webpage.

Plenty of Pre Planning for the Reunion:

A huge vote of thanks goes to the Primac Gurus publicity officer, Marg Barton for planning the day. Her organisational skills certainly came to the fore, to plan the event. She was aptly supported by Carol Jarick and Helen Walker on the day, in ensuring everything ran smoothly. Helen Walker arranged for the Queensland Country Life to supply some lanyards, and Warren Hohnke “drummed up” some support from Datamars, to supply some cattle ear tags, highly suited for name tags, to go with the lanyards. Carol Jarick through her family company Skills on Demand supplied some quality pens, supporting the Primac gurus logo. Thanks to all sponsors.

Greg Jacobsen, put together a photo clip of hundreds of of old photos, pertinent to the “old days’ of Primac, Mactaggarts and Primaries. This was broadcast, along with historical videos of teleauctions, throughout the day on overhead screens.

Emcee for the day, Chris Todd:

The committee thanks Chris Todd for accepting the role of Emcee for the day. Chris undertook his role with distinction, and kept the gathering well informed with the proceedings for the day.

10.00am: AGM in the conference room. Financial Members only.

11.00am: Reunion to commence. (Welcome attendees, name tags, sales of raffle tickets)

11.30am: Emcee Chris Todd to welcome delegates and cover housekeeping duties. Includes one minutes silence for lost members of Primac Gurus.

11.40am: President to address the delegates.

11.45am:   Patron, Robin Hart address

11.50am:   Guest Speaker – Scott Lusby

12.00 midday:    Hand back to Emcee for break

12.00 midday to 1.30pm:    Hot Food to be served, networking and social interaction.

1.30pm:     Fundraising Auction. Warren Hohnke to organise guest auctioneers. Suggested to rotate from past senior auctioneers, to younger, up and coming auctioneer.

2.00pm: (or earlier) Official group photographs.

2.30pm: Multi Draw Raffle.

2.30pm to 4.00pm: Networking and social interaction.

Chris Todd the Reunion Emcee

Primac Gurus attended from across the state:

Numbers in attendance were down on previous year, but it was pleasing to see quite a few new faces in the room, simply enjoying catching up with old friends.

A list of those in attendance on the day were: Marg Barton, Geoff Birch, Mike Blume, Robert Brown, Glen Cameron, Margie Clifford, Gavin Colwell, Dennis Cotter, Barry Dixon, Tony Dunn, Bill Edwards, Trevor Francis, Noel Grant, Richard Handley, Barb Handley, Peter Hayes, Jim Gibbs, Robin Hart, Warren Hohnke, Greg Jacobsen, Rosemaree Jacobsen, Carol Jarick, Malcolm Kinman, Terry Lanskey, Andrew Lewis, Paula Lewis, Josh Lockwood, Ashley Loveday, Tina Loveday, Ian Lovegrove, Scott Lusby, Keith McRobert, Gary Mason, David Milford, Leo Moloney, Margaret Neill, John O’Reilly, Jerry O’Sullivan, Brian Peake, Vic Perkins, Ross Ruhle, Bill Smith, Ken Telford, Chris Todd, Sandy Todd, Helen Walker.


As is usual, the time and date of the second reunion was bound to clash with other other functions or appointments with some of our Primac Gurus. Many put their apologies forward, expressing disappointment that they could not make the day. Among the apologies recorded were: Mark Peters, Vivienne Merrick, Marilyn Kenneally, Jock McPherson, Nev and Carol Holden, Richard Street, Bernie Frawley, Henry Leonard, Andrew Scott, Kent Ward, Ron Stewart, Col Campbell, Les Dunstan, Wayne Fischer, Cyril and Sue Close, Charlie Mort, Steve Goodhew, Ross Keane & Steve Gaff, Steve Truman. Campbell Cooney, Glenn Dunn, Jocelyn Dunn, Doug Haigh, Peter McDonald, Rick Tyrer,

A Moments Silence for lost Gurus:

In his heart warming introduction to those gathered, President Richard Handley, asked for a moments silence, to acknowledge those Gurus, who had sadly passed away during the last twelve months, since the last reunion. It is most sad, but this list of of some great agents keeps growing with time. Rest in Peace.

Guest Speaker for the day was Scott Lusby:

Scott Lusby a Primac Guru based in Blackall, was invited to address the delegates with a “run down” on his ” Bushies Blackall Tours”. Scott runs selected seasonal tours of the Blackall Wool Scour as well as Blackall Saleyard Tours.

Not only is Scott an entertaining speaker, he is also a proven bush poet. Not missing a chance, Scott recited his latest piece, aptly titled ” Kings of the Catwalk” . He reminisces on the auctioneering talents of many old agents, many of them Primac Gurus in their own right. Legendary auctioneers were certainly mentors and role models for aspiring agents and auctioneers coming through the industry.

Photo: Scott Lusby, as guest speaker, flanked by committee member Greg Jacobsen and President, Richard Handley. Photo courtesy of Carol Jarick

“Kings of the Catwalk” written by Scott Lusby

Auction Report:

Following on from last years successful fundraising auction, a catalogue of thirteen donated items were once again presented for a similar event, this year. Whilst the top price of last years, hand plaited whip, selling for $2,350.00 was not matched, a solid result was achieved, just the same. The funds generated from the auction and raffles will be invested in a planned Primac Gurus display at the Miles Historical Village and Museum.

The catalogue comprised some quite unique collector items, along with another offering of long fed sirloin beef kindly donated by Stockyard Beef. Buyer support was well represented from across the state.

As there was no shortage of auctioneers in the room, this years format catered for some retired agents to once again “strut their stuff” on centre stage. Together with a couple of younger Gurus, who are still engaged in the auctioneering business, it was great to see the fantastic talent that abounds in the Primac Gurus network. Congratulations to you all.

Lot 1: A 2.5kg Gold Sirloin beef pack donated by Stockyard Beef (Hart Family) sold to Carol Jarick of Mango Hill for $145.00. Auctioneer: Warren Hohnke.

Lot 2: A bottle of Planters Gin (distilled in the Ramu Valley of PNG) donated by Dennis Cotter of Kingaroy, sold to Bill Edwards of East Greenmount for $210.00. Auctioneer: Warren Hohnke.

Lot 3: A tray of Kumbia grown nectarines & peaches donated by Dennis Cotter of Kingaroy, sold to Jim Gibbs of Toowoomba for $100.00. Auctioneer: Dennis Cotter.

Lot 4: A bottle of PNG Ramu Rum, again donated by Dennis Cotter of Kingaroy, sold to Glen Cameron of Kilcoy for $300.00. Auctioneer: Dennis Cotter.

Lot 5: A set of 4 specially designed Primac Gurus drink coasters, donated by Greg & Rosemaree Jacobsen of Burrum Heads, sold to Robin Hart for $400.00. Auctioneer: Noel Grant.

Lot 6: A 2.5kg Gold Sirloin beef pack donated by Stockyard Beef (Hart Family) sold to Carol Jarick of Mango Hill for $225.00. Auctioneer: Noel Grant.

Lot 7: A signed Primac Gurus truckers cap donated by Red Centre Rural of Alice Springs (Steve Gaff) sold to John O’Reilly of Cinnabar for $60.00. Auctioneer: Vic Perkins.

Footnote: After purchasing the cap at auction, John kindly donated the the cap back to the Primac Gurus committee, with a suggestion that it be displayed in the future museum display planned for the Miles Historical Village and Museum. A huge thank you goes to John O’Reilly, for this great gesture.

Lot 8: A full size replica King Ranch fire brand, donated by the Santa Gertrudis Breeders Assoc. Australia & Chris and Sandy Todd, sold to Glen Cameron of Kilcoy for $1,000.00. Auctioneer: Vic Perkins.

Lot 9: A Grazart (Graeme McCullough) caricature drawing, donated by Skills on Demand (Carol and Kevin Jarick) sold to Warren Hohnke of Highfields for $325.00. Auctioneer: Bill Edwards.

Lot 10: 2.5kg Gold Sirloin beef pack donated by Stockyard Beef (Hart Family) sold to Richard and Barb Handley of Dalby for $320.00. Auctioneer: Bill Edwards.

Lot 11: Set of 4 specially designed Primac Guru drink coasters, donated by Greg and Rosemaree Jacobsen of Burrum Heads, sold to Carol Jarick for $220.00. Auctioneer: Keith McRoberts.

Lot 12: A 1987 World Santa Congress bronze casting, donated by the Santa Gertrudis Breeders Assoc. Australia and Chris & Sandy Todd, sold to Peter Hayes of Ipswich for $1,000.00. Auctioneer: Keith McRoberts.

Lot 13: Signed Primac Gurus truckers cap, donated by Stockyard Beef (Hart Family) sold to Andrew and Paula Lewis of Emerald for $70.00. Auctioneer: Josh Lockwood.

Multi Draw Raffle:

Through the generous support of fellow Gurus, in the form of donations, a multi draw raffle was held during the day, with some outstanding prizes on offer.

Raffle result:

  1. 2.5kg Gold Sirloin beef pack, donated by Stockyard Beef (Hart Family). Won by Vic Perkins
  2. Set of Primac Gurus drink coasters, donated by Greg & Rosemaree Jacobsen. Won by Malcolm Kinman
  3. Bottle of Glenfiddich Scotch, donated by Carol and Kevin Jarick. Won by Ashley Loveday.
  4. Gift Pack of Goodies, donated by Carol & Kevin Jarick. Won by Brian Peake
  5. “Brigalow to Bulldust” book, donated by Jerry O’Sullivan. Won by Keith McRobert
  6. Gift Pack of Goodies, donated by Carol & Kevin Jarick. Won by Robert Brown.

Primac Gurus Membership:

Media Coverage:

Thanks goes to our intrepid journalist from the Queensland Country Life, Helen Walker, herself a Primac Guru from the 1970’s. She was on scene to record the days proceedings with a comprehensive photo gallery.

Extract from Queensland Country Life November the 3rd Edition:

Leading up to the reunion, Warren Hohnke was able to secure an interview, with Rural Queensland Today, host, Ben Dobbin. Warren promoted to listeners the ideals of Primac Gurus, and just how beneficial it has been for members to be able to reconnect with fellow colleagues. Here is a link to Warren’s interview with Ben.

Warren Hohnke’s interview with Rural Queensland Today host, Ben Dobbin – 29th August 2022

Ben also contacted Warren after the reunion on the 29th of October 2022, and followed up with another interview, to highlight the proceedings of the day.

Warren’s follow up interview with Ben Dobbin – 1st November 2022

Posted in : Guru Stories