

Meandarra Branch

Meandarra Branch history has been contributed to by these Primac Gurus:
John Groves, Terry Lanskey
If you have information or photos to contribute to the Meandarra Branch Timeline / History please use the form at the bottom of this page to submit it. All contributions are appreciated and will be acknowledged.

Photo: Primac office Meandarra taken after the merger, circa: 1`980’s Photo courtesy of Terry Lanskey

1962 (Branch opened in 1962) under the Queensland Primary Producers Cooperative Association Ltd banner K.S. (Ken) Bigg, Manager (Ken actually operated from a room at the Royal Hotel from 1961 for 14 months prior to the office being built.) Fred Martin, Stock Salesman

1963 to 1965 Ken Bigg, Manager (Ken resigned, owned a district property “Lee Three” and moved to Toowoomba) Fred Martin, Stock Salesman (transferred OUT in 1965 to Dirranbandi Branch as Branch Manager) Charlie Gall, Stock Salesman (Charlie was brother to John Gall who served in the branch at the same time) Marion Brady (nee Meacle) (Marion was the first office lady employed in branch. She went on to own and operate several business outlets in Meandarra, Ceased employment with Primaries in 1965) Berryl Evans (term of employment unknown)

1965 – 1967 R.J.H. (John) Gall, Manager (deceased) Charlie Gall, Stock Salesman David Yates (Later managed Quilpie Branch) Laurie Hughes (June 1966 to December 1967) Lee Boynton (June 1966 to December 1967) (Resigned to join the Dept of Primary Industries, Dalby) Margaret Morrissey (nee Dillon) (Commenced in June 1966 to December 1967) Glwyn Dennes (Commenced July 1967 term of employment unknown)

1967 – 1972 A. (Alan) Ferrar, Manager (Alan resigned from Primaries and purchased a news agency in Kilcoy) Ian Moody (circa 1968 before being transferred OUT to Wandoan Branch as Manager, until 1972, he was to return to Meandarra as Manager) Neale Beadle (term of employment unknown) Eddie Kelly (approx 1974 to 1976 -now deceased- Eddie was nominated to become branch manager but unfortunately resigned before the promotion became effective) Allen Mitchell (1970 to 1974. Became Branch Manager at Hughenden Branch)

1972 – 1976 I.W.M. Moody, Manager (Ian moved to the Gold Coast working in Real Estate) Dudley Fleming, Relieving Manager (October to December) Merger with Mactaggarts in 1975, commenced trading as Primaries Mactaggarts Ltd T.C. (Terry) Lanskey, Branch Manager, (Terry transferred IN on the 13th December 1976) Mrs O’Neill, Office/Accounts (Commenced January 1972, term of employment unknown) Margaret Murray (Resigned 11th October 1974, terms of employment unknown) Glwyn Mack (nee Dennes) (Second term of employment, resigned 9th December 1976)

1977 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Anne Cover, Office/Accounts (Commenced November 1976 to late 1977) Anne Cover, Office/Accounts (Commenced November 1976, Resigned late 1977 to start a family) Resided on district property “Old Bombine”)

1978 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Sonya Spees Office/Accounts (Term of employment unknown) Nanette Hughes (nee Bourchier) Office/Accounts (Commenced 14th August 1978 to January 1979, resided on district property “Dora Park”) Anne Cover (returned 18th August 1978 to 4th September 1978 – casual term as relief staff)

Terry Lanskey and Ken Bigg airfreight a consignment of heifers to South Korea

During his early days in Meandarra, Terry became a regular supplier of cattle for the live export market. As a reward for his efforts, John Montague (Head Office Live Export) offered Terry a trip to South Korea in 1978. This was a trip with a difference – flying out of Sydney with 198 Poll Hereford and Angus heifers to South Korea, with a fuel stop in Guam. A lot of land lubbers from the bush had very ordinary sea legs and were troubled by sea sickness, so Terry jumped at the opportunity to fly. A couple of added bonuses were that he could take a client and also they would be away for two weeks.

Terry invited Ken Bigg, the first manager of Primaries Meandarra, to accompany him. The deal was that Korean farmers were to be given three heifers as part of a breeding program. After the work was finished the duo took some time off in Japan and broke the journey home with a visit to Hong Kong. Understandably he ran out of funds, so contacted Head Office for an advance. Terry says this was promptly attended to, at no cost to him. ($800.00 which would have been a reasonable amount in the late 1970’s)

1979 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Andrew Scott (Commenced 12th March 1979) Sue Mickleborough (nee Nixon Smith) Office/Accounts (Commenced 2nd January 1979)

1980 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Andrew Scott (Transferred OUT June 1980) Mike ????? (Commenced June 1980 to November 1980) Trevor Wieden, Merchandise/ Livestock (Commenced 3rd November 1980) Sue Mickleborough (nee Nixon Smith) Office/Accounts M.J. Schmidt (resigned 16th October 1980, terms of employment unknown) Trish Higgins (commenced 24th November 1980)

1981 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Trevor Wieden Merchandise/Livestock Sue Mickleborough, Office Accounts (Resigned 20th February 1981, resided on district property “Lochadair”) Trish Higgins

1982 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Trevor Wieden Merchandise/Livestock Trish Higgins (Transferred OUT 8th May 1982 to Head Office) Carol Lanskey Office/Accounts (Commenced 28th January 1982 to 8th May 1982, officially, but unofficially it would be impossible to put dates on Carol’s time spent in the Meandarra office. As Terry’s wife she had repeatedly filled in the gaps left by office staff during a twelve year period) Sandy Bartlett Office/Accounts (Commenced 18th October 1982)

1983 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Trevor Wieden Merchandise/Livestock Sandy Bartlett Office/Accounts

1984 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Trevor Wieden Merchandise/Livestock Paul Nelson, Cadetship (Commenced 19th January 1984, Transferred OUT 8th May 1984 to Dalby Branch) Sandy Bartlett Office/Accounts

1985 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Trevor Wieden Merchandise/Livestock Roy Dashwood, Cadetship (Commenced October 1985 to December 1985) Sandy Bartlett Office/Accounts (Resigned 27th September 1985, Continued on when called upon for relief work, Resided on district property “Boolara”) Cathy Ellis Office/Accounts (Commenced 10th September 1985)

In 1985 Primac Meandarra, under the leadership of Terry Lanskey conducted a very successful sale of Franz Josef Hereford bulls for Geoff Smith.The following year Terry went one better – sold more bulls than the 1985 sale to one buyer at a better price than what was achieved at the sale the year before.The bulls found a new home at “Stirling Downs”, Alice Springs. The buyer sold two decks of steers to Geoff and delivered them to Tara when he picked up the bulls.For his efforts Geoff had one of his relations hand make a special clock for Terry. This was proudly displayed in the office until the Lanskeys retired to Toowoomba. It now takes pride of place in their retirement home in Toowoomba. Photos & article courtesy of Terry Lanskey. Facebook post by Richard Handley 14th February 2022

1986 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Trevor Wieden Merchandise/Livestock (Transferred OUT 16th May 1986 to Roma Branch) Roy Dashwood (Commenced 5th May 1986) Cathy Ellis Office/Accounts

1987 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Roy Dashwood (transferred OUT 9th March 1987 to Dirrandandi Branch) Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales (Commenced 2nd February 1987) Adrian Dick (Commenced 2nd March 1987)

1988 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales Adrian Dick Cathy Ellis Office/Accounts (Resigned 30th June 1988, With husband relocated to East Augusta, W.A.)

Major upgrades to office facilities at Primac Meandarra

1989 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales Adrian Dick, Merchandise/Livestock Scott Carswell (Commenced 1st February 1989)

1990 Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales Adrian Dick, Merchandise/ Livestock

Terry Lanskey,
Branch Manager
Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales & Insurance
Michael Miller, Merch Manager
Jennifer Kelly, Accounts / Office

Terry Lanskey,
Branch Manager
Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales & Insurance
Michael Miller, Merch Manager
Jennifer Kelly, Accounts / Office

Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager
Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales & Insurance
Michael Miller, Merch Manager
Jennifer Kelly, Accounts / Office (Transferred OUT to Dalby Branch)
Annette Parker, Accounts / Office (Took over from Jenn Kelly)

Primac Meandarra “gets serious” about Feedlotting

During the 1990’s the Meandarra Branch at Primac saw an opportunity to play an active role in feedlotting. The above photo features the Meandarra team ( L to R) Cameron Elmes, Tom Hunt, Jenny Kelly, Terry Lanskey (Branch Manager) and Michael Miller. Contribution by Terry Lanskey

Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager
Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales & Insurance
Michael Miller, Merch Manager
Annette Parker, Accounts / Office

Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager
Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales & Insurance
Ken Biggs, Real Estate Specialist
Michael Miller, Merch Manager
Ross Murray, Agronomist
Tommy Hunt, Merch Sales (Transferred OUT to Merch Manager position at Miles Branch)
John Groves, Merch Sales (John was a local, parents were Primac clients, and he was a new hire to replace Tommy Hunt)
Annette Parker, Office Admin (Left the company and was replaced by Nancy Ernst)
Nancy Ernst, Office Admin (Maiden name: Van Santen)
Shirley Little – Cleaner (Shirley had done it for many years and was a local identity & stalwart of the area – probably served with Primac as long as Terry)

Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager
Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales & Insurance
Ken Biggs, Real Estate Specialist
Michael Miller, Merch Manager
Ross Murray, Agronomist
John Groves, Merch Sales
Nancy Ernst, Office Admin
Shirley Little – Cleaner

1997 (Elders Merger)
Terry Lanskey, Branch Manager (Continued with PEL until retirement capping off an amazing career spanning over 50 years)
Cameron Elmes, Stock Sales & Insurance (Left after the merger to work for GDL & operates his own agency with wife Julie in Longreach since 2008. He was replaced by Warren Holzwart)
Michael Miller, Merch Manager (Left Primac after the merger to work for Wesfarmers – dec RIP. Was replaced by Ross York from Miles Branch)
Ross Murray, Agronomist (Left and was replaced by Ross Brown)
John Groves, Merch Sales (Left the company about 6 months after the merger and went travelling)
Nancy Ernst, Accounts / Office (Continued on with PEL until the birth of her first child in 2002 and then returning from time to time part-time)

Last Updated 02/07/2021 RSS

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