Mactaggarts 1968 Annual Report is a fascinating snapshot of the Macctaggarts Primary Producers Cooperative Association Ltd as at June 30th 1968.
The screenshots of the report as supplied by Barry Dixon who has the original document. Barry was employed at Tara Branch at the time.
The Mactaggarts 1968 Annual Report is posted below as a series of screenshots – you can click or tap on any image to see a larger version.
Front Cover
‘Muster’ Semi Abstract oil painting from a series depicting cattle in a landscape. Painted by Australian artist John Rigby, who has won many important prizes in Australia and overseas.
“Mactaggarts Association increased turnover by $2,001,096 to $36,354,188, a record, with 980 new shareholder clients joined the association, making a total of 9,009 primary producers shareholders.”
“Branch Expansion – Theodore – Purcahsed Morrie Garlows business. Gatton / Laidely – Purchase Nichols Bros. PTY Ltd. Gympie – Purchased Tatnell & Graham. Gin Gin – reopened the branch that had been closed in 1951.“
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