

Clermont Branch

Clermont Branch is one of only 8 country towns that had a Primaries and a Mactaggarts Branch.

Company: Mactaggart’s
Date Opened:
First Manager:

Company: Primaries
Date Opened: January 1955
First Manager:

Clermont Branch history has been contributed to by these Primac Gurus:
Andrew Lewis, Richard Street, Barry Dixon
If you have information or photos to contribute to the Clermont Branch Timeline / History please use the form at the bottom of this page to submit it. All contributions are appreciated and will be acknowledged.

1964 (Primaries)
Bill Lewis (RIP), Branch Manager (Transferred in from Branch Manager Primaries Cunnamulla Branch)

1965 (Primaries)
Bill Lewis,
Branch Manager
Cobber Patch, Stock Sales

1966 (Primaries)
Bill Lewis, Branch Manager (Resigned from the company after drawing the Moola block in a ballot in July 1966, and returned in 1980 as Branch Manager Barcaldine Branch)
Cobber Patch, Stock Sales

1966 (Mactaggart’s)
David Lupton, Stock Sales ( Transferred OUT to Stock Sales position at Tara Branch)

1967 (Primaries)
Cobber Patch, Stock Sales

1968 (Mactaggarts)
Bruce Vidgen,
Branch Manager

Top photo – Country Mactaggarts Office
Middle – L to R Bruce Vidgen, ??????, Mr Doug Mactaggart, Hugh Kelly, Johnny Dean.
Bottom photo – Clermont office 1968.

1969 (Mactaggarts)
Bruce Vidgen,
Branch Manager

1973 (Mactaggart’s)
Mike Rippen, Branch Manager (Transferred IN from branch managers role at Surat Branch)

1975 Primaries Mactaggarts Co – Operative Assoc LTD
Marty Walsh,
Branch Manager

Marty Walsh, Branch Manager, (Transferred OUT to ????)
John Wilkinson, Branch Manager (Transferred IN from Branch managers position at Cunnamulla Branch)

Ray Donnellan, Branch Manager
Merv Fazeldeen, Stock Sales
Col Jaques, Stock Sales
Lewis Jenkinson, Merch Sales (New hire)

Ray Donnellan, Branch Manager
Col Jaques, Stock Sales
Merv Fazeldeen, Stock Sales (Transferred out to ?)
Andrew Lewis, Stock Sales (Transferred in to take Merv’s place from manager role at Charters Towers)
Lewis Jenkinson, Merch Sales (transferred OUT to Eidsvold Branch – Gayndah position under Neil Donaldson in 1988)

Ray Donnellan,
Branch Manager
Col Jaques, Stock Sales
Andrew Lewis, Stock Sales

Ray Donnellan,
Branch Manager

Ray Donnellan,
Branch Manager

Ray Donnellan,
Branch Manager

Ray Donnellan,
Branch Manager Brad Edwards, Merchandise Manager Jamie ????, Merchandise Sales Julie ????, Office/Admin

Ray Donnellan, Branch Manager
Richard Street, Stock Sales (transferred IN from Branch Managers position at Surat Branch) Brad Edwards, Merchandise Manager Jamie ????, Merchandise Sales Julie ????, Office/Admin

A Clermont branch update provided by Brad Edwards on the 30th August 2022 includes. “I was the Merchandise Manager at Clermont office 1993 to 1994 with Ray, Branch Manager, Richard, Stock Salesman, Julie, Administration and Jamie, Merchandise Salesman”

Last Updated 22/05/2021 RSS

Know more about the Clermont Branch timeline and people? Please use the form below to add too or edit this page information.

Posted in : Primac Branches